Thursday, December 27, 2007

i gOt KPLI Offer.. yeah~~

十二月十九日,KPLI成绩放榜,前阵子已很紧张的等候了,几乎每天都会上网查询,但结果都是空,因为要等到谆谆十二月十九日那天才会公布成绩。好担心落榜,没被录取。怎知bear bear就在半夜l两点致电给我,为我带来了好消息,我被录取啦!好高兴!^^ 其实刚开始的时候我还以为是他骗我的,谁叫他每次整蛊我啊? 哈哈!但后来听他“报导”得头头是道的,所以才暂时信他七分咯!呵呵。。!

本来打算星期三(十二月十九日)就递信给Jonah的,但我想还是先跟他谈谈比较好,毕竟当初是他录取我的, 而且也得谢谢他给我这个机会。 当初我还拒绝了他两次呢, 但最后还是觉得他的诚恳是非一般的。说真的,他真的是个蛮好的老板,只不过比较少说话罢了。。 哈哈哈!

其实,报名KPLI MTeST 的时候,我是信心十足,很有热诚的,一心只想着当老师。但当我要到怡保去面试前,我却想过放弃, 不要去到那么远面试。。 可是,我的家人都很支持我, 为我准备这又准备那的,我怎能自己放弃自己的梦想呢? 更何况honey so lou 也是一直在左右陪伴着我,面试的前天我还病得整个人软扒扒的倒在沙发上,都亏honey so lou 的细心照顾,我才可以撑着去面试, 其实当时也是死撑的啦,只是不想辜负所有支持我的人而已。。=D

现在回想起,真是幸好当初没有放弃去面试的机会。。 呵呵,所以,再次感谢我的家人及honey so lou 的支持咯!! =)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

celebrate X'mas 2007 with hOneY sO lOu..

This year the x'mas theme is GREEN Christmas.. but v celebrate it on 26th Dec, as i went back to h/town since 22nd Dec.. However, its a very sweet 'expired' x'mas for me.. hehe =D honey so lou bought a very big x'mas cake to my house, but i know how much it costs... RM49.99.. hahaha.. coz the i saw the price tag.. the cake is very beautiful, the design is a tree, all covered by chocolate, so its very nice looking and of course delicious too.. hehe =P
when i read the x'mas card, im touched.. coz i can felt the strong feelings behind the card.. wah.. sounds so funny.. but i appreciate all these things done by honey so lou.. and im gonna to further study in inst. perguruan tuanku bainun soon.. but i will put all my effort to get flying colour result de.. my target is to get an award of Excellent Teacher.. hehe.. what a big ambition.. i know its very hard, but, i will try my best to achieve my TARGET de!! Gambateh ohh ^u*

Thursday, September 27, 2007

very tired.. lolz 28-09-2007

feel so tired today.. coz not enough sleep lorr.. very sleepy and feel like forced to wake up this morning.. my foot and butt feel so painful while walking.. (T_T) all of these b'coz of yesterday play badminton with colleagues after work.. and then ... heheh..

mayb so long time i din exercise alr.. =D therefore, from the time now, i have to train myself to do more exercise rather than being a coach potato.. wahaha ;o) hopefully i wont give up on the half way la... ADD OIL ohh ^u*

yesterday alr finished my tasks, thats why feel very free right now.. juz waiting for my supervisor to complete the integration parts, then can starts testing on the CLM la.. its a very good experience for me to involve in this project.. but after this project is conducted, then dunno which group i will be assigned.. mayb the debug team (steven), or mayb the enhancement team(john).. any team for me is ok, as long as can learn lots of thing..

monday i will be on leave.. "atas daun" heheh =P coz i wanna back hometown to renew my MyKad and open a MayBank account as well... actually, i think of take leave on last monday de, but the project is haven completed.. everyone is very stress of it, so, "seng mok" la.. so, wait until next monday only take leave lorr...

so many things i need to bring back to hometown... i wanna teach my mum to make jelly mooncake and oso the "iced skin" mooncake.. heheh =D sounds so pro.. but i haven try the "iced skin" one yet.. hopefully will be alike mooncake la.. hahaha.. anyway, feel so thankful to honey's mum to teach me all of these... so, i plan to make the jelly mooncake during sis's wedding la.. haha..

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

tOday's MoOD ... 27-09-2007

Sometimes i feel that im not so suitable for IT field, i have no strong basic in VB programming, i never leran it in uni, i dunno wats the so called 'recordset'... bla..bla..bla... sometimes i really think to GIVE UP.. i feel that its very hard for me to complete some of the tasks that given by my immediate supervisor.. mayb the transight POS is TOO BIG project for me.. the project is quite hard to understand... some of the functions are very confusing.. like colExist.. i dunno its talking about column exist or collection exist.. haiz..

BTW... the most confusing thing is... all of these passive thinking will disappear immediately when i manage to complete all the given tasks.. i will feel relax and got a bit '成就感'... hahah =D
then i will think that mayb i can try to involve myself in IT field in the future.. if i choose to become a teacher, then my life might be quite bored as the life circle is too small.. but then i still haven decide which way to go yet.. teacher? or programmer? :S

teacher is more ez job for me.. jus go for 9-month study, then automatic will get job one.. but the basic salary is not as mush as what i have now.. and the government will be entitled to send me to any primary schools in M'sia.. i afraid i will get the place which is very utan one.. need to kayah sampan somemore.. then die la.. haha =P

programmer need to be always up-to-grade.. so, in other words, you need to learn lots of things, lots of programming skills... and always sitting in front of the monitor and keeping typing... thhis will harm my eyes too.. haha.. =P

BUT, i like the culture of this company.. Oopz.. its my dept, cuscapi innovation lab.. can learn lots of things here.. my supervisor is very nice and patient... haha..=D coz, im very stupid one.. heheh.. and then almost all of the staffs in my dept are very young, mostly are fresh grade.. so, no gaps btw each another.. and we always go for lunch every lunch hours, go for badminton together... so we are very close one.. hehe =P

hmm.. 9am alr.. start work la..

HaVE a NiCe DaY!!

Friday, September 21, 2007


20-09-2007 星期三

终于在blogger设计了自家的部落格咯。。 呵呵呵!!!好开心 ^u^


也可能是大家都可以access吧!所以久而久之便懒得去updatele咯。。 =P


p/s: 也不会太久啦。。 也只不过是前几个月罢了嘛!! =D