Thursday, December 27, 2007

i gOt KPLI Offer.. yeah~~

十二月十九日,KPLI成绩放榜,前阵子已很紧张的等候了,几乎每天都会上网查询,但结果都是空,因为要等到谆谆十二月十九日那天才会公布成绩。好担心落榜,没被录取。怎知bear bear就在半夜l两点致电给我,为我带来了好消息,我被录取啦!好高兴!^^ 其实刚开始的时候我还以为是他骗我的,谁叫他每次整蛊我啊? 哈哈!但后来听他“报导”得头头是道的,所以才暂时信他七分咯!呵呵。。!

本来打算星期三(十二月十九日)就递信给Jonah的,但我想还是先跟他谈谈比较好,毕竟当初是他录取我的, 而且也得谢谢他给我这个机会。 当初我还拒绝了他两次呢, 但最后还是觉得他的诚恳是非一般的。说真的,他真的是个蛮好的老板,只不过比较少说话罢了。。 哈哈哈!

其实,报名KPLI MTeST 的时候,我是信心十足,很有热诚的,一心只想着当老师。但当我要到怡保去面试前,我却想过放弃, 不要去到那么远面试。。 可是,我的家人都很支持我, 为我准备这又准备那的,我怎能自己放弃自己的梦想呢? 更何况honey so lou 也是一直在左右陪伴着我,面试的前天我还病得整个人软扒扒的倒在沙发上,都亏honey so lou 的细心照顾,我才可以撑着去面试, 其实当时也是死撑的啦,只是不想辜负所有支持我的人而已。。=D

现在回想起,真是幸好当初没有放弃去面试的机会。。 呵呵,所以,再次感谢我的家人及honey so lou 的支持咯!! =)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

celebrate X'mas 2007 with hOneY sO lOu..

This year the x'mas theme is GREEN Christmas.. but v celebrate it on 26th Dec, as i went back to h/town since 22nd Dec.. However, its a very sweet 'expired' x'mas for me.. hehe =D honey so lou bought a very big x'mas cake to my house, but i know how much it costs... RM49.99.. hahaha.. coz the i saw the price tag.. the cake is very beautiful, the design is a tree, all covered by chocolate, so its very nice looking and of course delicious too.. hehe =P
when i read the x'mas card, im touched.. coz i can felt the strong feelings behind the card.. wah.. sounds so funny.. but i appreciate all these things done by honey so lou.. and im gonna to further study in inst. perguruan tuanku bainun soon.. but i will put all my effort to get flying colour result de.. my target is to get an award of Excellent Teacher.. hehe.. what a big ambition.. i know its very hard, but, i will try my best to achieve my TARGET de!! Gambateh ohh ^u*